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Q: Who are we?
A: EIAA is a public charter school in Elko Nevada. We were founded in 2009 and operate under the State Public Charter School Authority (SPCSA). We are funded by the state and serve grades Kindergarten - 8th grade. We currently have 198 students with one class per grade and have 22 students per class.  After the completion of our open enrollment, we currently have is excess of 280 students on our waitlist.  Being a public school it does not cost money to attend and we accept anyone and everyone.   EIAA employs 22 full-time staff with an additional 12 employees add with the expansion.  Our middle school was named to the top six performing middle schools in Nevada.

Q: How are we funded?
A: EIAA is a state funded school. This means we are paid through the Distributive School Account (DSA) just as any district or state charter in Nevada. Being a charter school we do not receive funding for facilities like the district schools do. We have to use our general budget to fund everyday operations plus any facility or project costs.
Here is a comparison to Elko County
School Districts income.  Charter Schools
in Nevada are not eligible for bonding, nor 
is EIAA eligible for Block Grants due to 
the income levels in Nevada exceeding 
the low-mod income levels set by the 

Q: How are we different than the district?
A: EIAA is a stand alone entity. We are still mandated to follow the Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) but have a little more freedom when it comes to policy and curriculum. We have our own board that works just for us, this allows us to make decisions that are best for our school. We cap our classroom sizes at 22 students per class. Once our classes are full any additional applicants are added to a waitlist. 

EIAA prides itself in student preparedness for the real-world.   We have partnered with several local businesses and industries to provide our students with hands-on experience that will serve their future needs.  Our students are working within the community with local leaders and businesses to learn about future job opportunities  available and make connections with what they are learning in the classroom. 

Our middle schoolers have also partnered with local Architects, Engineers, Contractors, and Financial institutions to understand what it takes to design and build a new school.


Q: Can I use my donation as a tax write off?
A: Yes, EIAA is a tax-exempt organization with a 501c3. We have a tax- exempt number that allows all donations to be used as a tax write off.  If you need our information for tax purposes please call 775-738-3422. 

Q: Why donate to EIAA?
A: Your donation will help keep quality school choice an option for the Elko Area. Because we receive DSA funds for everyday operation, building a facility will give our school financial security for many years to come. 
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